Our 2016 Ambassadors:

Nadia Edmond | Canterbury | Karate

“I have been a part of the New Zealand Karate team for five years.”

Happiest when: spending time with family and friends, exercising and training for karate.

Dream dinner guest: Waris Dirie.

Ambassador goals: get as many people as possible interested in karate.


Gemma Millar | Otago | Athletics

“My dream job is to be a professional athlete.”

Happiest when: playing sport with a good bunch of people.

Dream dinner guest: Sophie Pascoe.

Ambassador goals: increase the number of girls competing in the local throwing competition.


Brenna Bishop | Auckland | Surfing, Skateboarding, Surf Lifesaving

“ I have been involved in team sports since I was six years old.” 

Happiest when: making other happy and being at the beach with friends.

Dream dinner guest: my Pa.

Ambassador goals: encourage girls to 'give it a go' and try new sports.


Jessica Rice | Wellington | Gymnastics

"I was a competitive gymnast for nine years and now I do it for fun.”

Happiest when: coaching gymnastics and hanging with friends.

Dream dinner guest: Nadia Comaneci.

Ambassador goals: help grow my sport and improve my leadership skills to improve my coaching.


Analiese Le Roy|South Canterbury | Inline Skating

“I want to see girls try skating, just to do something different.”

Happiest when: other people and myself succeed.

Dream dinner guest: my Granddad.

Ambassador goals: to bring more motivated and eager girls into the sport.


  Katie Ellis| Canterbury | Archery

I am part of the National Development Team for the Archery Coaching Institute of NZ.”

Happiest when: working with kids as a girl guide leader or at archery.

Dream dinner guest: my Grandma.

Ambassador goals: help 'not sporty' girls believe in themselves and find what they love.


Holly Chandler | Nelson | Beach Volleyball

“As an Ambassador, I hope to develop leadership skills, encourage others in sport, and inspire and help others.”

Happiest when: playing sport and being around friends and family.

Dream dinner guest: Malala Yousafzai.

Ambassador goals: promote Beach Volleyball and encourage girls to get involved in sport.


Lucy Jenkins| Canterbury | Touch/Rugby

Happiest when: playing sport.

Dream dinner guest: my mother.

Ambassador goals: grow the viability of rugby at my school.


Siwei Wang | Auckland| Ultimate Frisbee

“I want to encourage girls who may not play many sports to give Ultimate Frisbee a go.”

Happiest when: playing frisbee and sleeping.

Dream dinner guest: my mum.

Ambassador goals: promote women's Frisbee.


 Madison Furmenger | Auckland | Football

I would like for women's sports to be recognised in the community and nationally.”

Happiest when: hanging out with friends and family.

Ambassador goals: to promote both my sport and other women's sport to increase involvement.


 Delzea Tu'ua | Auckland | Rugby

“Go on a journey that is possible if you recognise your potential to be resilient in all your sporting abilities.”

Happiest when: with my family.

Dream dinner guest: my Pa.

Ambassador goals: I hope to inspire female sports athletes to dream big.

Bleuette Hillie | Canterbury | Canoe Polo

“I hope that I can show girls how valuable sport is.”

Happiest when: out on the lake, playing and practicing polo with my friends.

Dream dinner guest: Amelia Earhart.

Ambassador goals: to show girls that sports are a gateway to leadership, long-lasting friendships and personal growth.


Grace Lemon | Canterbury | Aerobics

 “I want girls to know they can excel in whatever they please as long as they put their minds to it.”

Happiest when: achieving a goal or challenge.

Dream dinner guest: Muhammad Ali.

Ambassador goals: share my passion for sport with other girls and promote a healthy lifestyle.


 Isla Pringle| Otago | Rugby

“I want girls in my community to understand how fun and fulfilling rugby is; how many skills and friendships can be gained.”

Happiest when: achieving to the best of my ability.

Dream dinner guest: Helen Littleworth.

Ambassador goals: increasing the participation of girls rugby in Otago. 


 Jessika Rowe| Canterbury | Touch

"I hope to encourage girls to be involved in sport as its such a great way to develop.”

Happiest when: in a group of people who support and believe in me.

Dream dinner guest: Steph Curry.

Ambassador goals: promote the sports that I have a passion for.


Sophie Sangster | Southland | Highland Dancing, Swimming

“The challenges some girls face trying to play the sport they love is often not realised, and I want to help change that.”

Happiest when: other people are smiling or laughing.

Dream dinner guest: Martin Luther King Jr.

Ambassador goals: help make a difference for girls in minority sports.


  Lucy Cahill| Canterbury | Rugby

“I want to see more girls trying new sports that they don't have a clue about.”

Happiest when: rugby training and seeing all your hard work pay off.

Dream dinner guest: Miley Cyrus.

Ambassador goals: promote Forward Foundation and girls minority sports.


Islay Fowler | Canterbury | Rugby

“Female rugby players should be more aware of the pathways available for them in high school."

Happiest when: I succeed and socialising with mates.

Dream dinner guest: Leonardo da Vinci.

Ambassador goals: raise awareness and increase the profile of touch and 7s in my school.


Polly Forbes| Canterbury | Water Polo

“I want to develop girls passion for all of their sporting endeavours. ”

Happiest when: achieving goals and knowing hard work is worth the outcome.

Dream dinner guest: Bethany Hamilton.

Ambassador goals: increase the number of girls in waterpolo and indulge them in the opportunities within in sport.


 Makayla Montgomery| Canterbury | Sailing

"I would like to teach girls how to sail and get them involved and learnt the skills."

Happiest when: sailing and exploring new places.

Dream dinner guest: my Grandad.

Ambassador goals: to achieve more female involvement in sailing.


Phoenix Reid | Manawatu | Artistic Roller Skating

“I want to encourage and support new skaters and be active in my community through advertising and club events.”

Happiest when: having a laugh with friends and travelling.

Dream dinner guest: my Grandfather.

Ambassador goals: be a role model for all girls in minority sports, especially young skaters.